Sunday, August 12, 2012

From Street Dog to Dog Scout...a letter from Madison to her foster Mom

Dear Aunt Shirley,

It has been a long time since we have written to you.  It has been a rough year for my Mommy but we are helping her by keep her busy and being very good (most of the time).

Mommy has introduced me to so many new activities and I am pretty good at most of them.  I am sending you pictures of some of the fun we have had.  I became a Dog Scout and have earned seven badges so far.  I am working on my Community Service Badge (which takes a long time and a lot of work).  One of the things we have to do is raise money for a shelter for homeless dogs.  Mom and I decided to best way for us to do this on our own was through my agility trails, so we asked for donations for all my good runs at several of the trails we went to.  Mom took a picture of me with a lot of my ribbons and title certificates.  I raised $242.00 by the end of the year and another $75.00 for this year.

I have also helped raise money to buy oxygen masks for pets for all the fire stations in Columbus. 

I just got a really special badge for that.  I have been going to the library so kids can read to me and to the Central Ohio Youth Center to visit “troubled” teens (that is my favorite place to visit and the funny picture of me and my friend Hank standing against the wall is where the boys were teaching us “spread em” like when they get searched.  We did not mind because we get lots of treats while they are teaching us).

Mommy and I went to see a Girl Scout Troop and a Cub Scout Troop (boy they were wild) to tell them about taking care of pets properly.  We also went to a Middle School and visited some kids there. Kerry had to go to a first aid lecture and she fell asleep.

I am working on an art badge, doing both painting and playing in a doggie band.  I got 5 agility badges so far and I am trying to learn about “earth dog”, which is where we go through a tunnel underground to find critters (we can’t really get to them).  This was not my favorite thing to do.  I am waiting for the test for Rally Obedience badge – Mom says I am pretty good at that.  Kerry and I also met Brutus the Buckeye when we did a demonstration for OSU Vet Students.  I am not sure who Brutus is but he was really nice.

Kerry, Spirit and I got to go for an Easter Egg Hunt.  The eggs were really plastic, but they had good doggie treats inside.  Than a lady took our pictures.  Kerry was supposed to sit beside me but she went over to see if there were any more treats in the bucket and the lady took her picture.  We also got to go to our friend Hank’s Birthday Party.  There were lot of games and special treats for all the dogs.

When it got so hot outside, Mommy set a pool for us up and I am learning getting wet does not have to be so bad.  Also we all went to Doggie Day Camp and got to play a lot of games.  We went to Alum Creek to go on a hike.  Since Spirit cannot do agility anymore (because he is 12 and it is too hard for him now) Mommy let him try some scent work.  The lady hides smelly food in lots of places and the dogs have to sniff around and find the food.  Spirit thought this was the best game ever.  He cried when it was not his turn (I would make fun of him crying but I used to do the same thing in agility class when it was not my turn).

I passed the Therapy Dog test and I like to go visit at the retirement homes (especially my “Grandma Virginia”) and I went to the Heath Care Center to see a very sick lady.

Last May, Mommy took us to the Capital Area Humane Society and the next thing we knew we had a new tiny sister.  Her name is Kerry and she is now eight years old.  She only weighs 7 pounds but she can be very ornery.  Mommy said Kerry has trouble seeing, especially out of her left eye but she still gets around pretty well.  Spirit (my big brother) fell in love with her right away.  I think she is okay but I don’t know why we needed another pup in the family!   Kerry passed the CSC test and Dog Scout test.  She loves to go to school with me and visit with everyone.

I am sending you some of the toys I have gotten for doing agility and rally and hope you can find some pups who will enjoy them.

Mommy said she will always be grateful to you for taking such good care of me when they found me on the street.  My hair has grown in so beautiful where it used to be yellow from infection on my back.  Everyone comments how pretty (and long) my beard is now.

I hope you are all well and you have not had too much trouble because of the heat and the storms.  We were lucky but I know a lot of people have been having a hard time.

Lots of Love,


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