Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rehabilitating Traumatized Dogs

By Tracy Dudlik

All too often in rescue we get dogs that have lived through trauma.  Whether from the streets, puppy mills or abuse, they are traumatized.   These precious cases come to us, they are fearful and lost.   Often they have learned to be defensive, to avoid contact with humans, or even to growl, snarl and bite to keep people at a distance.     While they might have been loving and friendly pets once, or might have never learned that people can be good to them, they are afraid and distrustful of the humans they encounter.   

Given the trauma and horrors they have suffered at the hands of people, how do we teach them that there is good in people and that they can once again trust and allow themselves to be close to the humans that want to care for them and show them a love that they may have never known?     One such dog I have been working with is Dobbie.    He came to our rescue afraid of everyone and using aggression to keep all humans at bay.    In the first encounters I had with him, it was simply me sitting in his kennel run and feeding him bits of cooked chicken.   Soon he was coming close and I was able to touch him.    After a week or so, I even was able to get a leash on him.  Granted it was a slip lead, and I needed to get him reaching for chicken to put it over his head, but once it was on, I could take him out of the kennel and he bloomed.  

Now I am happy to say that Dobbie loves to walk with me and a few others.   I am working hard to find a foster home for him, and have very high hopes that he will become someone’s loving pet in the near future.    Seeing him come from the terrorized nearly feral dog I met on that first day to the loving dog with the potential as a wonderful pet that he is now might be the most rewarding part of the rescue work I do.

We are pleased to announce that Dobbie has found his furever home and will be adopted this month!! 

For pictures of Dobbie and to keep up on all the SRC Happenings - be sure to visit us on FaceBook at!/pages/Schnauzer-Rescue-Cincinnati/121729811184804

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